
AfSDJN Mission Statement and Agenda

The African Sovereign Debt Justice Network (AfSDJN) is a coalition of citizens, scholars, civil society actors and church groups committed to exposing the adverse impact of unsustainable levels of African sovereign debt on the lives of ordinary citizens. The AfSDJN seeks to achieve this goal by advocating for debt cancellation, rescheduling and restructuring as well as increasing the transparency, accountability and responsibility of lenders and African governments about how sovereign debt is procured, spent and repaid.

Introducing the African Sovereign Debt Justice Network (AfSDJN)

A primary objective of the AfSDJN is to undertake research, advocacy, tactics and strategies around the changing nature of debt, globally and in Africa, which threatens economic development, social cohesion and several gains made in building social contracts in recent years. is grateful to Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa, (OSISA) Economic Justice Program and Open Society Foundation’s African Regional Office.