Article Submission Process

Afronomicslaw welcomes submissions that are analytical and not previously published anywhere else on any aspect of international economic law relating to Africa and the Global South. Proposals for book symposia or feature Symposia on narrowly framed issues within the scope of the blog are welcome. Individual blog posts are also welcome.

  • Ideally, submissions should not exceed 2000 words without prior arrangement with the blog editors.
  • Hyperlinks rather than footnotes are required.
  • does not allow blog posts that are not original or that have been posted elsewhere.
  • All submissions should be sent to

There are therefore two ways to contribute to the blog: individual blog contribution, following the guidelines above, on any issue relating to international Economic Law in Africa and the Global South. Alternatively, you can also propose to a feature symposium or plan a book symposium with 4 to 5 other authors as long as the book has a primary or exclusive focus on an International Economic law theme relating to Africa and the Global South. Please note it takes a few days to review posts and to reply.