Global Anti-base Erosion [GloBE]

Symposium on IFFs: Global Minimum Tax Without Global Impact: Examining the OECD’s Pillar 2 and its Potential Impacts on Illicit Financial Flows

This blog provides an alternative approach, described as a potential abusive tax avoidance (PATA), to evaluate incidences of illicit financial flows (IFFs) in Africa. By way of a working definition, PATA arises when there is a greater probability that a proposed tax legislation is susceptible to abusive tax avoidance. The abuse contemplated under the PATA is similar to Steve Dean’s argument of how considerable degree of taxpayer autonomy– under the guise of tax deregulation - can negatively impact a nation’s tax system. PATA provides a complimentary mechanism to examine how a proposed international tax framework can result into IFFs. The author undertakes this analysis using the global minimum tax proposed by the OECD to address the tax consequences of the digitalized economy.