Book Review Symposium Introduction: Special and Differential Treatment Reform in the WTO: The Differentiated Differentiation Approach

The book is a contribution to the debate and literature on reforming SDT in the WTO, particularly, how to define and delimit access to SDT in the WTO. The book interrogates the problem of access to SDT resulting from the lack of a concrete criteria to identify a developing country at the WTO or more aptly, a country with a justifiable need for SDT. It answers the question of how to accommodate different levels of development among WTO members, while ensuring that the costs of multilateralism are shared equitably.

Africa’s Perception of International Courts: Lessons for Multilateral Investment Court

The process of the establishment of the Multilateral Investment Court (MIC), to replace or operate in parallel to the current Investor State Dispute Settlement System (ISDS) system, is ongoing under the auspices of the United Nations Commission Trade Law (UNTRAL) Working Group III (Working Group III). In this forum, parties are invited to make submissions with a view to building support for on the establishment of the court. As expected, the submissions reveal varying concerns, perceptions and interests of states.

Afronomicslaw and The South Centre Collaborative Webinar: Africa and the Geopolitics of WTO Reforms

Afronomicslaw and The South Centre are delighted to collaborate on this webinar where our Panelists will reflect on some of the most topical issues under the broad umbrella of geopolitics of reforms, Africa and the WTO. Please join us as we reflect on the MC13, reform of the WTO DSM and implications for Africa, Africa in an era of renewed industrial policy, sustainable trade in Africa among others.

What does success look like for MC13?

Having attended two-thirds of the WTO’s ministerial conferences, I have been reflecting on why they have failed. In most cases it comes down to an abuse of process and bullying by more powerful Members, sometimes with collusion from the chair and the secretariat, leaving developing countries with two choices: capitulation or denial of consensus.

Symposium Introduction: The WTO’s Dispute Settlement Reform and Developing Countries

Dispute settlement at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) is in urgent need of reform. For nearly two decades, the USA had accused the Appellate Body of judicial overreach and action against the institution escalated under both the Obama and Trump administrations. In November 2022, the quasi-judicial system that has long been referred to as the ‘jewel in the crown’ of the WTO lost its appellate function as the term of its final Member, Dr Hong Zhao, expired. With the US refusal to reappoint members to the Appellate Body, the WTO’s dispute settlement system has been slowly asphyxiated. The WTO’s two-tier dispute settlement system was designed to ensure that Members had access to transparent, independent and timely decision-making.

Call for Expressions of Interest to Host the 2023-2024 Regional Rounds of the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition on WTO Law

The European Law Students' Association (ELSA) is issuing the Call for the Host of the John H. Jackson Moot Court Competition on WTO law, with the technical support of the World Trade Organization. We are looking for institutions to host Regional Rounds in Africa, the Americas, and Asia in the Spring of 2024.

Scholarships for Postgraduate African Students to participate in Joint University Study Tour in Geneva in June 2023

The UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) is sponsoring 6 scholarships for African mature undergraduate and post-graduate students/researchers interested in trade and investment to participate in our inaugural Joint University Study Tour (JUST) Summer Programme from June 5-9 2023 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The TRIPS Waiver Compromise Draft Text: A Preliminary Assessment

It is perhaps too early to predict what a final waiver text may look like. Nevertheless, it is probably not too far-fetched to assume that the outcome of the quadrilateral negotiations between India, South Africa, the EU, and the US, i.e. the compromise waiver text, would constitute the basis of any final waiver decision.

South Africa and India's Leadership on the Waiver of IP Protections on COVID-19 Vaccines

On May 5th, 2021, following public enormous pressure, the United States decided to support the waiver of IP protections on COVID-19 vaccines to help end the pandemic. With the United States blocking of the proposal now out of the way, at least for now, negotiations will now begin.