Green Financing

Africa and the (Mis-)Promise of Green Finance

This post critiques the extent to which the present green finance rush embraces laws and policies that are largely externally motivated prescriptions designed, mandated, or foisted on resource-rich African countries through creative channels of geopolitical norm diffusion. These contradictions need to be questioned to avoid the charge of greenwashing.

Call for Participants by Afronomicslaw and Sustainable Global Economic Law: Green Deals and Justice

The symposium brings together diverse perspectives and voices on justice and climate change to articulate a vision for just and effective climate policies using the EGD as a case study. The symposium will be published on the and the Sustainable Global Environmental Law (University of Amsterdam) websites.Interested participants should send an email notification about their intention to submit a contribution by January 23, 2023.

Transformations of Human-Environment Interactions to Sustainable Development (TRANSFORM): Call for PhD Applications

Our cohorts will be trained in transdisciplinary methods, enabling them to draw on skills from multiples disciplines and work effectively and equitably with non-academic partners to deliver impactful sustainable development research.